Junior League



With the introduction of the Junior League back in February 2016, i am happy to announce that the Club will be continuing the league going forward. 2017 will see the Junior League being run for the 2nd year.

This league is currently still only open to Greenhills Archers Junior members.

The Junior League will see our junior, cadet and youth archers take part in a monthly league where they will shoot alongside fellow juniors in a 30 arrow competition.

The league will take place monthly and archers will shoot 1 Saturday of the month over a 10 month period where the archers top 5 results will count.  League announcements will be made through the Clubs Facebook page, Newsletters, and Website.  We will advise each month what date the League will be hosted.

Between league competitions, juniors, cadets, and youths will be able to practice and develop their skills with the help of senior archers and coaches for the next competition.

It is the aim of the league to help the young archers of Greenhills build and develop their archery skills.  Archers will shoot at a target which they feel comfortable shooting from the start, and from here we will start to build and develop their skills keeping track of their progression by taking notes and updating the league system.

The cost is €25 per archer for the league season, this covers administration as well as an end of season awards for the top archers. Archers on the day of the league will still be required to pay the €3 subs to cover the cost of the rental of the hall.

Within the Junior section of the website, you will find a page dedicated to scoring keeping for the league, this is so parents and archers can see how they are doing and where they stand within the league.

League Results

Should you have any questions pertaining to the league please feel free to speak with one of the league organizers.

We will also be seeking the help of the parents to help out where they can. Any and all help offered will be very grateful.  If you would like to help, please also speak with a league organizer and they will take your details.


League Application Form

League Organizers: Aida Alexandru, Rob Sweetman
Email:  Junior League
Mobile: 089-2121799


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